The Life of an Ordinary Guy II

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Last saturday the party at balcony turn out pretty ok, everyone was high and some was already high before the party. At least i wasn't the only one who was high on alcohol, somehow i managed to get them to drink with me. Next time i will ask the balcony boss to make around the world and some graveyards so everyone else can get wasted together, so i guess that night was a barf day for me after all since i got wasted. Many thanks to all of you who sms me, called me, and wrote me some lovely testimonials on friendster and mostly i thank Jason and christina for watching over me when i was totally drunk hehe.

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Tag! your it!
Since Miss CreativeBitchin tagged(damn u!) so i might as fill these up since i pretty bored and tired now.
Seven things you plan to do before you die:
1. Party hard

2. Attend more raves
3. Get a degree
4. Never to work at where i'm currently working at
5. Travel to around with friends
6. Establish my own restaurant
7. try to keep in touch with God more often

Seven things I could do:
1. Remember my homie's b'day( don't worry dude will make it up to u )

2. be more grateful to my parents
3. look for a more flexible working hour job
4. enlarge my ear lobe
5. put on a little weight, i'm losing too much weight
6. pierce my tongue
7. Learn more new recipes

Seven celebrity crushes:
1. Jessica Alba
2. Angelina Jolie
3. Scarlette Johanssen
4. Amber Chia *drools*
5. Avril
6. Lin zhi ling
7. er..... dunno liaw

Seven often-repeated words:
1. TIAW!
3. TA MA TE!
5. oohhhh
6. mmmmmm
7. haha

Seven physical traits I look for in the opposite sex:
1. Nice eyes
2. Sweet smile
3. Shoulder length hair
4. not too skinny and fat
5. no crooked teeth or squeaky voice like lalas or liansters pls
6. not too short, the height at least around my shoulder( i'm tall ok?)
7. hot legs!

Seven tags go to:
1. Charlene

3. Anthony
4. Karen

5. Rachael

6. Zhungyi
7. Saran


After a couple of trial and error, i have managed to cooked the chicken cordon bleu. I'm trying to keep things as simple as possible but at the same time i want it to look good and taste good as well.
The results? i need to work on the sauces and the garnishing of the dish, the Bacon and cheese stuffing inside gives the flavouring to the chicken. (note you can substitute the bacon with something else like turkey ham for religion purpose) Eric said it looked too simple, what do you guys think?

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Here's something that i have never tried before, ever heard of east meets west? behold ladies and gentlemen, Spaghetti with chicken kurmar. Because boredom and hunger, i had the idea to try that recipe. I must Kurmar does taste pretty good with pasta, i don't know about other people's taste buds but there's no harm trying something new right?


Pop star tranny?
Some of you may have went or heard about the Korean pop star coming for a concert in Miri, at first i thought it was just some unknown pop star from Korea coming here to promote his/her album. Little did i know that pop star who came was someone very famous indeed(in Korea i suppose) I was browsing through the newspaper for some interesting news and stuff and i saw the news about the Korean pop star's arrival and until i saw the name of the star.

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well what do you know? it's Harisu all this while, i suddenly recall back when xes had a post about her or should i say him? hehe. I wonder does the uncle in the picture know that Harisu is He or maybe his looks has already bedazzled him.


KLCC Aquaria
From my recent trip at KL, my parents decided to go to the KLCC aquaria which was recommended by my brother. I decided to participate in their little touristy thingy to visit the aquaria, when we reach there some of the guards weren't really helpful to people who don't know the way *damn* but we managed to get our way there.

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Not to mention it was school holidays and the place was filled with annoying little kids who acts like they have never seen any sea creatures in their lives? as if that wasn't enough, their annoying parents are blocking people from taking picture and trying to educate their kids*sohai!* just let me take the bloody the picture for blogging purpose, so after i take my picture then u can look at them for as long as you want! or better yet just stay there for the whole day. The aquaria is a pretty nice place though, i bet it'll be nicer without them around >:)


I know this a bit late to post but i just got back from KL yesterday and the internet acess over at bukit bintang sucks! the cyber cafe still uses windows 98? and the computer changes the language by itself for no good reason? the worst thing was they charged me RM4! i can get better conenction here for only RM2, damn rip off!
Well who cares about the RM4? it's just a small matter, but i had such a good time over there in KL, and i went for HARDSEQUENCE! it was fucking good! i met up with Leong, Sharon, Sui Lin and others. I knew it was going to be easy for Leong to spot me when picking me up, since i was the only guy with phats on the street.

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Hardsequence was defitnately the best event i've been to, with hardstuff through out the whole night? it's a good thing :)
