The Life of an Ordinary Guy II

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Absolut Sin
Ever heard of the strongest alcohol drink by the name of absinth? ever wonder why is it call absinth? it's because the drink is an absolut sin so that's why! I'm just being stupid anyway and no way that drink got it's name like that. All thanks to the man Lee who got this all the way from Russia, too bad that doesn't belongs to me, it belongs Eric and how i wish that is mine!

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we're going to try it one shot pure, yes pure shot! to see how strong is that shit. Since it's banned in most countries around world because of the high content of alcohol that can cause people hallucinate after consuming it, if me and Eric took one shot pure, most probaly he will tell me he met Sanzo(Gen somaden sayuki) and i will tell him that tinkerbell was here.


Buyers get, Buyers night
Now you might wonder what the heck is this buyers get buyers night thing? it the Miss Tourism! all of the beautiful pageants from around the world representing their own country for tourism purposes. I must really give it all to my mom, she gave me the free passes to the  show, well actually the show was free just that you need to find a way to get it. Eric and i could not agree more that the show was a hundred times better than clubbing(of course clubbing is fun too! i love clubbing)
The whole event was good, just that there was a few lame boring speeches from some big heads, but it was all worth the waiting for the main event. The Miri indoor stadium is just the perfect place for a really good indoor rave, and guess what they deicided to give us inside the goodie bag?

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What the heck? a glow stick and a whistle? why on earth do we need a glow stick and a whistle for a beauty pageant show? it's just weird and i have no idea who's brilliant idea was it to come up with free whistles, which was damn annoying through out the whole night. Here's the rest of the pictures, i guess i should stop blabbering now.

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A darn good off day
Usually my offday is like no offday at all, because of the time that i end my shift during the day and start work during the night. I just don't know why today i was feeling very annoyed when my parents woke up me to go for Victor and Ronny's wedding, and when they called during the Miss Tourism show at the Indoor stadium(will post about Miss Tourism on my next post, too darn tired to post now)  
It's been ages already since i have step foot into my old church, i felt a little akward during the wedding. I have no idea why, but i just felt like that, maybe is because i haven't go to church for quite sometimes already(i'm such a bad boy) have to try and keep in touch with God more often. The wedding was pretty simple and good, even though i wanted to go for the dinner hehe, once again congratulations to Victor and Ronny. Who is now officially known as MR and MRS Kong.

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At first when my friend zhungyi gave me a box, with the name Pods on it, my first thought was " why was he giving me a book?" silly me! it's a box of chocolates from Perth.

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once i open it, i quickly took and have a bite and i must say that is one of the best chocolates i have ever eaten. The texture, flavour, and everything else is good, too bad i can't get this here in Miri. Hopefully they have it at brunei, so that i shall drive down there on my every off day to buy it haha.

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Usually before bed time i would go to my brother's to turn the air condition switch on, because the air condition place in between my bro's and my room, just as i gofor the usual routine to press the green button to turn the the air con on, there was a loud buzz and flames coming out from the top ceiling.

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I quickly ran out of the room to avoid getting shock or getting burn by that thingy, the first thing comes to your mind is that you are safe right? but the first thing that came to my mind was " CIBAI!!! TONIGHT NO AIR CON TO SLEEP, SO FUCKING HOT!!!"

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So i thought i had to wait until the electrician comes tomorrow to fixed the wiring, but who needs electrician when you have a dad who can whoop something up in a jiffy. After my dad has did little repair to the wiring, i am glad to have the air con so that i can continue my sleep, *thanks dad* now off i go to sleep.
