It's payday! at last the moment that i have been all this while, like i mention before money comes and money
goes. I just paid my mom RM183 for the phone bills which is equivelant of two months worth of calls and sms. Another RM40
to be paid to Mamoyo and there goes my burberry pefume already *sob*
Well there's always next month right? So today i did the dumbest thing that i have never did in my entire
life, It goes like this. Woke up early today to get ready for work and packed the nessecary items that i need to bring to
work, In my mind was like the" oh i gonna go to work like usual so boring and all that" when i reach the changing room and
i opened my locker, to my horror at sight i have actually forgotten to wear my socks to work since i brought the other pair
home to wash. Usually i will leave them in the locker(sounds disgusting right? well i'm lazy) so i had to wear my leather
shoes without my socks and i sure looked like a "soh hai" (idiot)
Chap Goh Meh
Happy Chap Goh Meh everyone! It's officially the last day of chinese new year, so i guess it's another year
to come for celebrating chinese new year. Most family will gather for a dinner again and probaly tossing the "yee sang" to
see who can get it up the highest, as for me i celebrated it at work *crap* sleeping too much is really bad, it gave
me a nasty headache. Go work, *sien* no work *sien* Sien for life, that gives me an idea that it'll be my 2005 new
year resolution LOL!
It's almost end of the month you know what that means, payday! money comes but money goes so fast.
I still owe 150++ to my dad for the phone bills, RM40 to Mamoyo, and still have some stuffs to buy and which means not much cash will be left again *SIEN!* worked like horse and cow and
the money just goes off like that *SIEN* It's really the "sieness" that has got on me.
M.H.C(Miri Holiday Crew) has been dismissed
One by one they leave like the migration of the herds, and the very last one of them has just left Miri
today. I just hate the month february but yet i still like it, the month of February is the time that i get to reunite
with my family and have lots of fun with the peepz. I guess i have to take the fact that everyone has to go back to do
their things and get on with life until end of this year the M.H.C shall reunite once again.
This whole year it's going to be a damn boring year until the rest comes back from Aussie, It's Almost end
of the month and i still have a couple of debts to settle of. Yes and i know you can't wait for me to pay you :P. I shall
shut up now and let the pictures do the talking.

They sell it here???
To what i heard from sister, i can't believe it for myself. My sister claimed that watson's is selling the
japanese snack that me and her saw it at www.yongfook.com, what you can find in that site is reviews about japanese food by jon. I rushed quickly to watson's at
Bintang plaza and i was sure glad that it was there waiting for me to purchase it :)

RM 5.10 for that, after buying that i can't wait to go home and unpack it to get a taste of it. After i open it and took
the first bite, it was good. Too bad there wasn't much left there, if not i would have got more of that.

I am really impressed with what japanese people can do with their technology, and with those of tech that produced that
kind of food. shapes of little sea creatures, it's not too salty like those Mr potatoes chips or double decker crap and it's
hollow. That made me wonder how did they do that, not to mention the size of it is serious tiny. From now i'll start
venturing into trying new japanese snacks, and many thanks to www.yongfook.com for the info.

It's Bloody Valentine's day
So it's valentine's day, a day you will see couples going everywhere. Buying those wonderful gifts, freshly
plucked roses from the garden, and pampering them. Happy valentine's day to you couples, and i know how does it feel to be
a single fellow during that day :)
I expect the occupancy of the rooms to have a good response, it turn out that a lot of people went down
for a dinner instead of renting the rooms there. I can tell you that in thailand all the hotels around Bangkok will be fully
booked, i am sure you know why. It's a pretty sucky night whereby when u want to go out and there's no car and nobody
to pick you up, so i end up sitting here right now.
A great time
Once again i would like to say " happy new year to you guys celebrating out there, i really had a wonderful
during this week. Just that knowing that work has to start very very soon, which is apporximately 8 hours from now? so who
cares if i'm going to start work again? it'll be great but yet horrible. I was at limbang the last 3 days, Limbang is great
and boring. Yes i know it's my home town but it is seriously boring, there's nothing much to do there. Spending some
quality time with my family members is good enough, still so bored there! not to mention the bloody asshole who had some serious
B.O problem, and he stunk up the whole plane during the trip *asshole!*

Food was great, grandma's cooking never fail to fulfill our empty stomachs. My grandma accidently cut her
finger during the preparation, so i guess that it's a sign for her to rest and leave the rest for us to do *hehe* I kind of miss the time hanging out with my cousins and grandma's cooking over there *sigh* and it's still so boring
there, it's ok once i get enough money i'll buy a PS2 the second genration and bring it over there when i'm going back there
again. At least i get to lite some fire crackers over there, but then again playing with fire cracker is like burning your
money, seriously since they are quite expensive for now, but i'm satisfied with it :)

Gong Xi Fa Chai!
Hurrah! I've have been waiting for this wonderful moment of my entire tormented week at work, my chinese
new year leave has been granted. I just love what the town council are doing every year for chinese new year, it gets
better and better each year and a lot of efforts has been put in it. Every year, a few days before chinese new year, the town
will set up a small bazaar for a pre chinese new year celebration, from a tiny bazaar to a big bazaar this year.
Me and the peepz had a good time during the bazaar, the decorations, the atmosphere, and the food! as i
await the best moment of the bazaar which is the dragon dance and the lion dance performance, some serious shit occured that
really pissed me off. My camera's battery went exhausted! of all the time that it has to go exhausted at the moment that i
have been waiting for(bloody hell!) At least i had a good time with my peepz and enjoyed time. I'll be flying off to Limbang
in about 3 hours time and i'm still up updating this LOL, hopefully my face will not look stoned later on :)
Malaysian apples
Have you ever that Malaysia can grow apples? even with the hot climate and hot weather the apples still
can grow. The only place where u can grow apples is in B'kelalan, B'kelalan is located a few hours away from Lawas. To get
there, you have to use a off vehicle which will take u few hours. So it was Rining who told me that his gramps brought some
apples from their "kampung"

He had to wake me up from my wonderful sleep just to pass me the apples *groan* The apples looks a little like grannysmiths
but they don't taste sour, those apples are really sweet and crunchy. I do have to give credit to Rining's Grandfather, They
sure did a good job on and keep it.
