The Life of an Ordinary Guy II

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Merry Christmas peepz!



Merry christmas to all you guys out there! it's been a great month for me, i never expect to get an off day on christmas. Especially when you are working in hotel line and that is the time they need you the most, i got off days on today and the bestone is on is 1st january 2005. That means i can party all night long on 31st dec, Last night there was too many people in and i didn't get to shuffle much :( and i got tipsy again, not because of booze. It's the sambuca that gave me a kick in the head, it's nice but yet strong when it's flame up.







I'm still trying to call olga to pick me up and go to josh's house for christmas, i called a few times but there's answer so she's still in her beauty sleep hehe. I have to say that working in parkcity is pretty good, even though the work is really tough there but it's worth it


Never have this happen

What will you do as a front office assistant, when a guest calls you from the room and claims that she saw a shark like thingy splashing around the beach? Me being a good person, sent the bell boy up to check the situation. They both spotted it from up there but couldn't get a clear view of it.
once the bell boys went down for a better look and see what they have found on the shores of Miri.  







The whale was actually spotted by a guest in the hotel, she first thought that it was a shark but after the bell boys went and have a close look at it. It's a sperm whale's calf stranded here on the shores of Miri, never have i before see a sperm whale or heard that sperm whales have swam across the south china sea or in the Malaysian waters. This is indeed a rare opportunity for us Mirians, i'm really sad to see that the calf is dead. Guess what we found under the dead whale? a few remoras!(those fishies that sticks under whales, whale sharks, manta rays and other big sea creature they can stick to) i guess this little remoras will die together with the whale eh? hehe


We share your pain!


Me and the rest of us shares the pain of our homie, who went through one of the biggest SHIT in his life. I just hope those MOFOS who fucked up my bro's night and his baby will pay for eternity! i hope that they will crash and burn, get raped by HIV infected homos, get bitten by rabbies infected hound, i hope their assholes will get infected by the infested Afghan fleas from the infested Afghan camel ass.
lastly i pray to God that who so ever did this will never a peaceful day in his life, and who so ever was the culprit, i pray that there shall be fear in his life for the rest of his life. So watch out you MOFO, you're so dead if i find out who you are



Yes me lord?

Yes me lord? wat? alright! work work work, no work, no money, no money, no food, most importantly, no BOOZE!!! getting money means going through hours of mental toture. I'm thinking that i might be losing a quater or half of what i have have been working for. Yes, it's another stupid mistake i made at work today. My shift was switch to morning and working in the morning means getting up early, which is what i hate most(seriously)



My colleague was suppose to handle the bills, he has something to do so he pass it to me. Me being a blurry dude who just got up from his hibernation and not being vigilant. I didn't even see that the guest has an extra charge which cost around RM203.95 and he left without paying.
*D'OOOOOOHHH!!!!!!!!!!! This is another thing that i hate the most, everytime the guest checks out with the bill, they always deny that they ordered something until i show them the receipt then they pay for it. No offense to you guys out there i'm not pointing to anyone, either those dickheads are pretending that they don't know anything or they're just being seriously stupid or trying to get a free meal *fuck you lah!* nothing comes for free! that guest could have be more honest and tell me that he has an extra charges, instead of pretending not knowing what went down his stomach.
There goes my first pay cheque of the month, it might be deducted for that*sob sob all those hard work* i'll try and talk to my manager about it. (third thing i hate most, dishonest customers and selfish people)



Limp Fishy

Ever wonder what will happen to a fish that knock itself out hard on the aquarium? if you are wondering about it, i have the photo and story to your answers. It was just a few days ago, where i decided to have lunch with my colleague at brighton cafe. Suddenly i saw the fish lying down beneath the tank, the lady said that some dude was tapping the tank and the fish charged towards it so hard, that i think it's spine is snapped and it's paralysed. Say no more, the good samaritan from brighton cafe is here to help the little fishy to get through it's miserable days.



A good day for me

I guess all the bloody hard work that i went through has finally pay off, the duty roster chart came out and it was really promising for me. I got an off day on saturday. That means clubbing on saturday night *woohoo*It's the second time that i got so tipsy from clubbing that i need someone to drive me back and they stay at my place, a big thank you to the two of them haha.
I've finally pierced my ear, which i have been wanting to do for quite sometime already. A tongue piercing was what i actually wanted but after hearing that you'll have diffculty talking for the first few days from my friends who pierced their tongue and which is not good for me, since my job is to communicate with guest. You wouldn't want a front desk reception who talks like his tongue is tangled up to serve you? Not to mention that people always me piercing the ear is very painful and all that, well i suggest you guys take your words back please. Because it doesn't even hurt that much and that bad at all. In fact i kind of like the feeling when you move the stud back and forth.
I encountered a little problem just now, i wanted to remove the stud and replace it with a transperent tiny plastic thingy to put in my ear. As i tried to remove the stud, the clip beind won't barge at all(WTF?????) i keep trying and trying until blood came out, i asked my sis to help and it didn't work either. So what i did was, i asked my sis to hold the clip with a pair of pliers and pull the stud out. When it was out, i was in such a big relief that bloody stupid stud came off.(piece of shit) 






huahhh!! such a stressful day for me, it's day 4 already since my first day. Well i got to go through all the shits to get my reward, right guys? nothing comes easy hehe.
Today there was so many fucking calls on the fucking phone, i had to fucking anwser the fucking phone while attending customers at the same time and the fucking people talking on the phone was so fucking soft, i barely fucking can what the fuck that person was saying. The fuckings calls keep coming in, and more people comes and i fucking still not use to the system and the fucking stupid computer systems fucking fucked up, fucking lagging, fucking shits.
One of my colleauge is a BITCH! haha who the fuck she think she is? she orders people to have the lunch for half and hour when we're suppose to get an hour lunch, *so screw u lah!* well i'll just ignore her like what others told me. so i guess i better get use to my job, the bitch and do a good job. By the way, since i can't swear during work,  i'll fucking swear all i want here LOL (oops did i said fuck? oops here i go again i said it again)





Another bloody awful month has pass us again, it's december and you know what that means. It's going to be christmas! I can't wait to sink my teeth into the big juicy turkey drumstick *MMmm* and get pissed as usual. Last month has been a pretty good month for me and a bad one also, I got a job as a front office assistant trainee in park city(yay!). The good news is i'm happy and the bad news is i can't party as much i partied recently. I'm not saying good bye to clubbing, i'll still go. I am just reducing it, due to my work (T_T)'''.
It seems like i'm meant to be working in the front line, each time my aunt always tell me that i have the ability and my friends too. But i wanted to go for cooking, well i guess i don't have much option for now, since finding a job is difficult now. Anyway this is the second time this happen to me, i applied for a post and they offer me another post Weird eh? but what the heck! i need a job and money so i got it haha and hopefully i'll do well in it and get a promo? and just wait for my B-52 coming to bombard you. Not to mention i got this bloody cough which is really irritating me and affecting me during work.



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