Ever wonder what will happen if you bring three crazy guys with you? no? well this is what happened earlier
this evening. Me, Gordon, Eric, Dian and Ing hui went to the public swimming pool. The three of us, the guys didn't swim and
just sat there to watch the ladies bags and belongings while they enjoy their dipping in the pool.
Eric started playing around by pinching my ears and Gordon came to and he started pushing my thighs
against the concrete floor. I think they were having so much fun, that they couldn't even hear me shouted" DIAN'S PHONE!"
when i took out Dian's phone, the phone was really in a bad shape. Thank God Dian was cool with it and all the culprits have
to do is to pay for the damage report :), since you guys started it haha :P.

This is a story of a dude who's now not in a very good mood. Well there has been a few ups and down for
him and not only that, this dude is in a little confusion and a dilemma. He didn't want to share his dilemma with his friends,
all he wanted was to keep it to himself. But i guess all that can't be done but to let it all out, to share his agony and
The dude is still wondering why does it have to be this way? was it something he did? was it something he
said? dude knows there's a minor misunderstanding that occured, but dude is cool with it. if things can't be the way the dude
wants it to be, then so be it. But please don't let him hanging there like a pathetic little bastard who knows nothing. It
really hurts, dude really hates it. Just let the dude know, nobody likes it that way :( But dude is still happy
to have real friends that cares for him and loves him for who he is :)
I'm getting a companion for this few days, not an animal companion of course. It's the Bangla dude hehe
j/k, It's Gordon, my friend from Kuching. He planned this trip in advance and i insisted that he crash over my place.
Since he asked what i need, without any hesitation i asked could he bring some"sio bees" here for me (siew mai, incase you
still have no idea what am i talking about, it's dim sum)
I really love the sio bee! Kuching sio bee rocks!
so if you guys never tried it, get your ass to Kuching and go to kenyalang and eat until you cannot eat. Check
the photo below and you'll that the sio bee is really different from the ones in Miri.

Though it may LOOK like something but it's not what you think ok!
The incredibles ? seriously incredible!

I have been waiting for a while to watch the incredibles and i finally get to watch it just now, the visual,the
effects, the story and everything is just so good and it's really a great movie to watch. It's worth your two hours and
your money for the ticket. Go check it out, if you haven't. I'm so going to watch that again and again hehe. So what are you
guys waiting for? drive to cineplex and watch it!
Eric's Birthday Bash!

Finally our man Eric is legally 18 and legal to do the things he want, well not everything yet. But he has
almost done it all, you name it. He's been clubbing even before i started, he's been through more shits than i do, what's
more ? what is more to have a friend like him and he's the one who made me laugh hard enough to fall off the chair, he's
the one who will be there when i'm fucked up or feeling shitty. Eric, I'm glad to meet him a few years ago and what will my
life be if i didn't meet Eric or if he didn't meet me. Life will totally be different, if i didn't knew him.
Happy Birthday Eric!!!

Eric was the man last night in Balcony, I'm sure glad that it was his best 18th birthday ever and he sure
was happy. He had 2 flaming B-52, 1 flaming lambourghini, few shots of illusions, and erm.. some more
drinks i think and he was still strong enough to shuffle(respect man!) instead of the birthday boy getting drunk, i got very
very tispy. I had 1 flaming B-52, unknown amount of illusions, 2 tiger beers, unknown amount of pure jack daniels, one
shot of whiskey and all that gave me a kick in my head. Before leaving to my car, i had some tiger beers forced down
to my throat. *nasty!* I laughed so much last night until my cheeks hurt and now i know how those poor beauty pageants felt
during their competiton LOL
Columbans reunite!
I just love the month of november, this is the time that most of my friends from overseas and out station
will come back for the holidays. This is the best time to gather around, not to mention a lot of my peepz birthday is on this
month too. Vince decided to organize a reunion for the class of 2000 and it was supposingly at park city but due to the lack
of budget, a few of us were not able to make it there. The next plan location was at park hotel but to some last minute changes
it was cancelled.
Rorence picked me up and when we reached there, we didn't see anyone at Airy cafe, so i called them.
Darren: *tu tu*
Vince: hello
Darren hey we're here already, where are you guys?
Vince: oh we're not eating there anymore.
Darren: Huh!? where are you guys then?
Vince: oh we're at Michael's bbq, behind giveme5 snooker.
Darren: ok ok we know where is it(cilaka go there didn't tell use earlier! *grrr*)
So we reach and we start to eat and have a good time

Many thanks to vince for organizing this gathering and we really appreciate it and enjoyed it as well. I'm
hoping to have another one next year and hopefully most you guys can come back for it.
I have neglected my cooking for too long already and thanks to my homie slyvester for reminding me about
it, at the right moment, i have made another accomplishment of my dish (after a few attempts)
It's my Tuna Spaghetti

Servings - 1
- 1/4 spaghetti/fettucini/Spiral/the amount you want.
- Two table spoons of tuna.
- 1 piece of cheese/parmesan cheese.
- Three Pieces of Garlic(not in pic)
- Three table spoons of butter.
- One piece of Fresh Oregano leave.(not in pic)
- two teaspoon of maggi chicken stock.(not in pic)
- A dash of Black pepper.(not in pic)
- A dash of mixed herbs.(not in pic)
- One tablespoon and half of potato flour.
- Half cup of milk/cream.
Step 1
Boil a pot of water, add a pinch of salt and one teaspoon of butter in it. The purpose is to let the water
get hotter so that you can cook the spaghetti faster.

Boil the spaghetti for about 10 minutes until it's soft. When it's cook, drain the spaghetti and put it

Step 2
Time to cook the sauce for the spaghetti, now first heat the pot up with low heat. Then add a tablespoon
of butter in it, then put the chopped garlic and the tuna in. Stir and toss it, wait for about 50 seconds.

Then add half cup of milk, the oregano leave, and a dash of black pepper. Mix the potato flour with a bit
water, then add it in the sauce. Stir, to make sure the sauce is thicken, if not add a little bit more. Then Add two teaspoon
of maggi chicken stock, taste it first, if it's tasteless add a little bit more to get the taste. Last thing to do, is to
add the cheese in it and stir it until the cheese has melted gracefully with the sauce.

Step 3
The final step is to enjoy the tuna spaghetti and a glass of white wine to go with it, will be fantastic!
It's his birthday, damn it!
I think i'm suffering from S.T.M.L(short term memory loss) probaly because i drank too much booze, until
i thought my best bud's birthday is on 15 which is today. He might be thinking"IT'S MY BIRTHDAY DAMN IT!" It's he's best birthday
celebration since his 8th birthday(so sad) but i'm sure he's a happy fellow today, Me, vince, S.K lau, Cheau sii, and rorence
celebrated with and fed him with 2 chicken chops, 1 cream of mushroom soup, 3 pieces of cake and half chocolate covered bun
(More pictures will be posted up)

Too bad i'm broke as usual. Other wise he'll be expecting a flaming and more booze or cocktails going down
his throat. Once again
he's officially a Man LOL
The Curtin prom held at Park city hotel was great! too bad for
those who didn't went hehe. All the ladies dressed up very nice and they look great, the guys dressed cool too. So me, Rin, Gavin and Aliff went there around 7pm and we got a little trouble getting our seats in there, our seats were
taken. But we got that sorted out, the food was fine and the waiter who served us sure have no idea how to do serve Chinese
food. We haven't even finish the food and he wanted to take it away (dude what's the rush?) and I told the waiter not to take
the roasted chicken away because we are going to take a group photo and come back to eat it, guess what? when we came back,
me and Gala were looking for it and it's gone. (*grrrr* stupid! didn't you hear what I said?) Not only that, I asked the dude
to refill my glass and he didn't refill mine for three times when he came to refill others' glasses until I poked him and
pointed at my glass. I may sound a little bossy because I used to work in a Chinese restaurant so I can complain a little
about it haha :P
They had a few performance for the Mr and
Miss Curtin nominees and also for the Prom king and queen nominees. The winner for Mr Curtin was Voon yiew ting and er....Gretchel
(is that how you spell it?) and Prom king was Roland (I knew he was going to win since somebody kept voting for him) and Prom
queen was Ling. Not to mention i didn't know olga can actually sing and Gala did a great job on his performance. Later on everyone got up and started the slow dance (and I get
to dance too hehe)

P/S: i posted this on Rin's blog (i'm his guest blogger) and it's my post, so i'm not stealing or a copy cat LOL. For more photos please
click on the link here Curtin Prom
Happy Belated birthday

Wishing my dearest cousin a happy belated 18th birthday and all the best and finally turned 18,
so party on! :)
Darn! of all the things that i have to forget is to sign my application letter, i suddenly have the thought
about the application and realize that i have forgotten to leave my signature in there *D"OH!* Let's just hope they will reconsider
about it and call me for an interview.
I was looking forward to have a nice shower but out of nowhere this nasty little cockroach appeared and
it's going to regret big time for showing up in my bathroom.

That's just the starting of the torment for the evil bastard and things get more interesting.

This is what the evil bastard gets for invading my privacy, so watch out! you evil bastards(cockroach)
out there.
A Birthday Dedication

Yeap, i'm starting to put birthday dedications on my blog here for all my friends and family or anyone who
wish to be greeted for his/her birthday.
The unexpected gift
Finally i managed to drag my ass out of the bed, thanks to Vince. We went and photocopy my certificates
and head off to the soon to be JW Marriott hotel and i was surprise how friendly the front desk receptionist was, usually
the reception or receptionist in other hotels are usually unfriendly. Good job!
Anyway so i went with vince to deal with his matters and met Rin, he wanted to have his hair cut for the prom so i brought him to the saloon where i always get my hair cut.
As usual he dropped by, and layed down on my bed as usual too. And you guys know what? he left me an unexpected gift on my
pillow, i discovered it when i lay down and found hair on my face. Such a good friend eh?(damn you!)

Well this fellow always leave me some unexpected gifts in my room LOL. (Thank God it's not pubes, if it
was i'll never sleep on my pillows again)

This is an art work done by my homie Slyvester, Evil snowman!! i think it's funny though. He should have
made it and send it to me before halloween and for that he should create some more art works for christmas, since he have
evil thoughts LOL.
*you evil boy!!*
It's november already